Meeting Topics

The meeting topics include:

  1. Suspensions, Emulsions, Foams and Interfacial Rheology
  1. Food Rheology and Bio-rheology

  2. Polymer rheology (solutions, gels, solids, melts an composites)

  3. Microfluidics, Experimental methods and New Advances in Rheometry

  4. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics and Computational Rheology

  5. Industrial Rheology and Processing









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Instituto Superior de Agronomia
Instituto Superior de Agronomia
Tapada da Ajuda
1349-017 Lisboa


Abreu Events

Professional Congress Organizer

abreu events full service congress organizer 


For general information about the event, including registration, please contact us at:
(+351) 932 371 842 (call to national fixed network)